What are the five tips of ranking for Featured Snippet?

Featured Snippet
In the high competition of digital marketing techniques, it has been demonstrated that the featured snippet also plays a powerful role in ranking although it has its existence from 2013.
From the last 3 years comparison, it is noticed that there is around 30% increment in featured snipped, and it is dramatically increasing the same as the voice search.
It is a great idea that offers a chance to beat the competitors and boost traffic through strong written conversation. Basically, it is found that featured snipped is clicked at least twice by the crawlers if search result page showcases.  But, it is not at all easy to capture the snippet.
Let’s have a look at what Google does?
As soon as it is found that a search is done or query has been raised, Google programmatically delivers the search page results which have appropriate answers. The most specific one is displayed on the top as a featured result and its snippet.  
Or we can say…. The short and concise presentation is the featured snippet. It should be perfectly optimized for better ranking.  Let’s head in detail about
Google Featured Snippet
You must have noticed countless of the featured snippet and search information’s which answers the search made. The topmost result of the page is the featured snippet.
Let’s have it in detail with an example:
Search in Google “internet marketing techniques.”
The first thing that you will get as a search result is a snippet which has a list view. Check the image:
internet marketing techniques
It is an extraction of the content material. It can be brought not only from high ranking but also from the low ranking SERP’s. It makes the answer result easy, and information can be viewed in a better form.
For the credibility and better ranking of the company, you need quicker methods of exposure.  If tricked wisely, you can also rank at the Zero position (featured snippet). There is no exact rule; only required is the best understanding and suitability. In short, you need quality specific content with a better format.
A box that answers exactly to your Google query as which is top of the search result “position Zero” is termed as a featured snippet.
There are 4 different types of featured snippets in the world of internet marketing. They are:

  1. Paragraph style: It is the most common one.
  2. List style: it is either in bullets or numbered form
  3. Table style: Generally found in recipes etc
  4. Image or Youtube snippet: A form where the video descriptions and images along with the result are displayed.

Sometimes you may find a box related to the search result of a word like “Internet”. Don’t be confused; it is not a featured snipped; it is a result displayed to your query.
Refer image:
digital marketing agency in pune
It appears in the place of featured snippet, but in actual, it’s a search result.
So, you also want to create a difference for your search result? Here are a few tips on how you can optimize for position “0.”

  1. Make your content revolve around the topic or question: Audiences need a specific result, which must have appropriate answers; it is helpful for the snippet. Make your titles appropriate, like questions rather than a sentence. Like:  “What is Internet Marketing?” Instead of “Few Facts about Internet Marketing”.
  2.  Use featured snippet tools: As we know that whatever best is done for the SEO ranking, Google makes a snippet result by its choice. So, using tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Pro can help you to explore the site. This can help you to count the site ranking and format of featured ranking.
  3. Top rank: To rank in position zero, you need to rank first. In reference to the Ahrefs tool, only the top 10 search results related to the keyword stand in the featured snippet.
  4. Formatting perfect: If you think that the content prepared needs a paragraph, it must be in para form with correct grammar and accurate material. If it is point-based like some tips, steps etc you can use bullets or prepare it in a perfect format.
  5. Proper structure: Based on the keywords, try to put extra effort into your content. You can add some more related questions and break up each section properly. It can be preferred lists, paragraphs, heading, and title but must be in a pyramid form for better results.

Important credentials to be undertaken for an optimized, featured snippet:
–          Make a perfect query related to the keyword. Question query is demanding and may help you to rank in position zero.
–          Pay attention to the related search. It is a goldmine as you can rank in an expanded topic easily.
–          Work effectively to rank in the #1 position. On-page SEO is essential in internet marketing as the site which ranks in 1st position or in the top 10 can become in a featured snippet.
–          Track the word count: for perfection, optimal use of word count is important.
Getting high value and improving the visibility in this high competition of digital marketing is not at all easy. You can bring opportunities by making your content precise as more featured snippet formats can be seen in the near future.
If you need quick and better traffic and known as the trusted brand, the only solution is to get a digital marketing agency hired. Brainmine structures and helps you to earn better traffic. It is a time taking process but effective to boost your sales.